Thin Space; witakina country, 5:40 pm
Thin Space; witakina country, 5:40 pm
Oil on Masonite
60 x 60 cm
I was hiking back to John Glover's homestead before night dropped its icy black blanket. I will never forget that moment; witakina country, 5:40 pm, 14 Sep 22 — time silenced. Arrested by twilight's dance amongst remnants of Glover's gnarled curly gums, I entered a thin space. It was otherworldly, the past and present somehow resonating, a private communion that, for a split second, I was privy. Musing on the absurdity of imposing a new colonial Eden on an ancient paradise, I saw the alternative vision, engaging within the thin space that acknowledges the beauty and fragility of the land.
This painting came out of month-long residency at John Glovers Patterdale Farm, compliments of Carol Westmore and Arts Tasmania.