Disruptive Epoch, 2018
Materials: Oil on Masonite,
Dimensions:1500 x 950 x 950 mm
Penny Burnett and Sara Lindsay
Disruptive Epoch is the outcome of two divergent practitioners collaborating who are both interested in pushing spatial boundaries within their respective fields, painting and object design, into a cohesive new form.
Formally, this work is a Rhombic Polyhedral - a series of painted masonite rhombic shapes that have been sequenced into a complex arrangement of equal sides to develop a three-dimensional form. The process is one of meticulous planning, design, measurement and control.
The paradox of this process is the seemingly random, organic activation of the surface of the masonite with oil painting juxtaposed with the hard edge of geometry. The particular consistencies of the paint invite a visceral sense of engagement through its viscosity and agency. That is, the manner in which the substance has congealed in some passages suggests a suspension of time and weathered endurance. Conversely, in other passages there are quick gestural marks which could be read as toxic spills; slippery, moist, and pulsating. This tension between the agency of the surface and the control of the multi-faceted form is emphasised by the acuity of the geometry, bringing a strange synergy between structure, visceral engagement and spatial ambiguity.
Disruptive Epoch offers the viewer opportunities to not only consider the form as object but also the complex “in-between” space that is activated within the threshold of chaos and control.